Linda: 11/11. My 11 days are coming to an end.
Making of Made in 11 Days
Linda: Day 10/11
Linda: 10/11. Where is the pleasure? Pursue pleasure. When in doubt, smile.
Linda: Day 9/11
Linda: 9/11. Busy, busy, busy…
Linda: Day 8/11
Linda: 8/11. Now I really need to start writing the letters to the team.
Linda: Day 7/11
Linda: 7/11. Today is a busy day.
Linda: Day 6/11
Linda: 6/11. I drew a timeline over this piece. Actually it’s more of a action-reaction-line.
Linda: Day 5/11
Linda: 5/11. I have no idea what I am doing and I am doing it.
Linda: Day 4/11
Linda: 4/11. Dove in to the work of creating the other big movement base today.
Linda: Day 3/11
Linda: 3/11. Today I woke up with the feeling that I also need another movement language in this piece.
Linda: Day 2/11
Linda: 2/11. I decided to start by figuring out why I feel the need of using jumps.
Linda: Day 1/11
Linda: 1/11. Here it starts. My eleven days of creating a new little piece from idea to stage. Last year I created ”Mind full of flies I never killed” during my eleven days.